Top 3 datasets so far in 2024

Going for Gold? 

With the Olympics in full swing, we thought we would review our own race for first place to be the most popular dataset for the first six months of 2024. 

Going for Gold? 

With the Olympics in full swing, we thought we would review our own race for first place to be the most popular dataset for the first six months of 2024. 

Taking out the Gold Medal, is the River Basin Maps and Water Monitoring Gauging Stations Details dataset with 963 page views.  This series of maps is also known as the Pinneena Maps and is one of our oldest available datasets having been created in 2011. 

Coming second to win the Silver Medal is the New South Wales River Styles spatial dataset which has only been available since July 2023.  It covers over 220,000 km of rivers and records information for each discrete section of river using the River Styles Framework. You can read more about the Framework and NSW River Styles on our website

Finally, a worthy third, with the Bronze Medal, is the Spatial Layer of Probable Vegetation Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems in NSW dataset.  For ease of use, the data is divided into catchment areas.  The Water Group use this dataset in developing our water sharing plans and water resource plans, as well as assessing state significant developments, and other research projects. For ease of use, the data is divided into catchment areas. 

Join the conversation and let us know where you have used our data! 

General Interest

River Basin Maps and Water Monitoring Gauging Station Details (Pinneena Maps)


A series of maps that show water monitoring stations (gauging stations) across New South Wales. This map series, formerly known as the Pinneena maps, was created as part of a major project in 2011. ### Each map includes stations which fall in the following categories: ### * __Current with significant data:__ Gauging stations that were active and have significant data or had been established as of March 2011. ### * __Current without significant data:__ Gauging stations that were active but didn't have significant data as of March 2011. ### * __Discontinued or moved:__ Gauging station...
A series of maps that show water monitoring stations (gauging stations) across New South Wales. This map series, formerly known as the Pinneena maps, was created as part of a major project in 2011. ### Each map includes stations which fall in the following categories: ### * __Current with significant data:__ Gauging stations that were active and have significant data or had been established as of March 2011. ### * __Current without significant data:__ Gauging stations that were active but didn't have significant data as of March 2011. ### * __Discontinued or moved:__ Gauging station that had been closed or moved to another organisation to maintain as of March 2011. ### A water monitoring station (gauging station) is a location on a stream, canal, lake or reservoir from which an observer or tool takes systematic readings of the gauge height or discharge. Hydrologists use these continuous records to make predictions and decisions concerning water level, flood activity and control, navigation, and the like. Note: The maps are best displayed at A3 paper size. ###__Data disclaimer__ These water monitoring station maps were created as part of a project completed in March 2011, and have not been updated to include more recent data or information. The information contained in these maps should be used as a reference only, as the actual location or category of some gauging stations may have changed. ### The maps use the following datasets (all licensed under ‘Creative Commons Attribution’) supplied by other agencies: ### * __Spatial Services (New South Wales Department of Customer Service)__ Hydro Line (Rivers/Creeks) spatial data is a dataset of mapped watercourses and waterbodies in NSW. They can be referenced as ‘ NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework – Water – NSW Hydro Line’. © Spatial Services [2011] ### * __Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology__ Australia’s River Basins (Catchment boundaries) spatial data uses the Australia’s River Basin 1997 dataset. Citation: 1997. Australia's River Basins 1997. Geoscience Australia, Canberra. For more information ### * __WaterNSW__ Real time data of monitoring stations can be accessed through WaterNSW Real-time data website: Reference: The material is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968, and it is owned by the State of New South Wales through WaterNSW. WaterNSW encourages the availability, dissemination and exchange of public information. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with the information for any purpose, on the condition that you include the copyright. Note: In addition to the attached individual catchment maps PDFs (which can be printed off one at a time), there is also a MERGED version consolidating all of the individual PDFs into a single ATLAS of Maps PDF. This particular pdf (which is designed to be printed A3 back-to-back) is attached and titled: __zz_PINNEENA_A3_MARCH2011_FINAL.pdf__

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